Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Construction, Worship & Horseshoes

So - Major computer problems keep us from posting our photos from the res; however, we've arrived safely!!  Most of the 51-member team got here on Saturday afternoon.  All the lumber and supplies to build the stage were unloaded, and the construction team was underway!

Sunday, the construction crew was up and at it until church began at 11:30.  It was a welcome time to gather together and worship.  Cole and Jill arrived in Chadron, NE at around 11am, which was perfect timing, because Wes was ringing them to see if they could find a specialized tool necessary to continue construction.  They were able to find the $300 tool and get back on their way to the Re*Creation Center.  In time to hear Eric's sermon, they joined up with team and were able to help serve Lasagna (thanks Alex!) to about 100 people.  

We had advertised a Horseshoe Tournament in advance, and we had about a dozen men show up!  They had a LOT of fun.  Eric & Leon were one of the teams!  Wes & Cameron were another team (they actually won first place).

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